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Supporting Maternal Mental Health Through Acupuncture

Motherhood, while incredibly rewarding, often brings about a whirlwind of emotions and challenges. From the physical demands of pregnancy and childbirth to the rollercoaster of hormonal changes and sleepless nights, it’s no surprise that many mothers struggle with their mental well-being during this transformative journey. Fortunately, amidst the array of options available for self-care and support, acupuncture stands out as a holistic approach with profound benefits for maternal mental health.

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Nutrition and Maternal Mental Health

Pregnancy and the fourth trimester (early postpartum) can be a beautiful time welcoming a new baby. It can also bring many emotions including the common postpartum mental health challenges. There are many factors that affect the risk of developing postpartum depression which may not be in the mother’s control. Aiming for a balanced and nutrient-rich diet can help support proper brain, hormone and immune functions.

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A Nourished Ramadan

The blessed days of Ramadan are upon us. Ramadan is the month when Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, refraining from food and water (excluding exempted persons). This is the month of spending more time in reflection, community, and spiritual growth.

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Loosening Mom Guilt’s Grip

Motherhood is a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with love, joy, and an undeniable sense of responsibility. Amidst the cuddles and giggles however, many mothers find themselves entangled in the web of “mom guilt.”

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Building a Nest

The first week of May marks mental health week in Canada and maternal mental health awareness week for the world. For 2023, the theme of this week is #MyStory, a uniquely fitting theme, as May is also the 10 year anniversary of the start of my own mental health story – after the loss of my sister. My experience with postpartum depression and anxiety and my experience of parenthood is uniquely tied to the loss of my sister and the grief I still feel to this day.

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Who are we?

Nest Integrative Wellness is a multidisciplinary health and wellness clinic that also operates as a social and physical hub for group gatherings and activities. Our space is accessible, inclusive, surrounded by an abundance of free parking, and is located at 10608 124 St in Edmonton.

We support all members of the general public, and every team member of Nest has specialized training and interest in supporting those in their perinatal journeys – including those who are trying to conceive, are pregnant, have recently given birth, or are seeking supports through loss. We welcome individuals and families from the greater Edmonton area, and offer telehealth for various disciplines.