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Understanding Postpartum Mental Health

Becoming a parent is a significant milestone that can trigger many emotions. Many new mothers go through changes in their mental health during the postpartum phase. Although it is often portrayed as an entirely happy time, the reality can also involve difficulties such as postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues that need attention and care. Nest Integrative Wellness is a welcoming space for Edmonton parents seeking support during their transformative phase. It’s essential to acknowledge and openly discuss these shared experiences. Here, we offer guidance, resources, and professional support to Edmonton and area families navigating postpartum mental health and the unique journey of parenthood. Our commitment is to provide a safe space to explore your feelings and seek assistance. Whether dealing with the baby blues or seeking therapy for more severe symptoms, Nest Integrative Wellness is your local partner in finding balance and healing.

Signs and Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is more than just feeling down or overwhelmed. It’s a pervasive emotional state that can significantly impact a new parent’s life, and it’s important to distinguish it from the more common ‘baby blues’ that many experience after childbirth. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of postpartum depression is the first step toward healing. Typical ‘baby blues’ are characterized by mood swings, sadness, irritability, and anxiety that generally subside within two weeks after delivery.

However, when these feelings intensify or persist beyond this period, it may signal postpartum depression. Symptoms can include:

      • A deep, sustained sadness or a sense of emptiness
      • Severe mood swings beyond usual post-birth fatigue
      • Withdrawal from family, friends, and activities once enjoyed
      • Difficulty bonding with the newborn
      • Persistent doubts about the ability to care for the baby or oneself
      • Intense worry about the baby or a lack of interest in the baby
      • Thoughts of harm to oneself or the baby
      • A sense of worthlessness, shame, guilt, or inadequacy
      • Diminished ability to think clearly, concentrate, or make decisions
      • Drastic changes in appetite or sleep patterns

These symptoms do not reflect a parents love for her child or her capabilities as a parent. They are signs of a medical condition that requires support and treatment. At Nest Integrative Wellness, we understand the gravity of these symptoms and offer a supportive environment for Edmonton parents seeking help. With the right care, including therapy and support from a community that understands, recovery is not just possible—it’s within reach.

Dealing with New Parent Anxiety

The transition into parenthood comes with a flood of fresh responsibilities and expectations, which can understandably cause anxiety. Experiencing new parent anxiety is a common occurrence, but acknowledging its presence and learning how to handle it can help significantly.  

New parent anxiety can manifest in various ways, including constant worries about the baby’s health and development, concerns about parenting “the right way,” or an overwhelming fear of something bad happening. While these feelings are normal to an extent, they can become a concern if they interfere with daily life or the ability to care for the baby or yourself.

To cope with new parent anxiety, consider the following strategies:

      • Establish a Support System: Connect with other new parents in Edmonton through groups or classes where you can share experiences and advice. You can view a list of our upcoming events here.

      • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that there’s no such thing as a perfect parent. Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that making mistakes is a part of the learning process.

      • Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your needs is not selfish—it’s necessary. Rest, nutrition, and a little time for yourself can significantly impact your well-being.

      • Mindfulness and Relaxation: Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga can help calm an anxious mind.

      • Seek Professional Help: If anxiety is overwhelming, speaking to a professional from the Nest Integrative Wellness team can provide tailored strategies to manage these feelings effectively

At Nest Integrative Wellness, we provide resources and counselling designed to support new parents facing anxiety in Edmonton. We are here to help you navigate these challenges, offering a path toward peace of mind and the confidence to enjoy this special time with your new baby.

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Overcoming Birth Trauma

The journey of childbirth can be as challenging as it is rewarding, and sometimes, it leaves behind deep emotional wounds known as birth trauma. In Edmonton, we recognize that birth trauma is a significant issue that affects many mothers, often in silence. Understanding this trauma and knowing where to find support are critical steps on the path to healing.

Birth trauma can arise from a childbirth experience that is physically or emotionally distressing. It might be due to complications, feelings of powerlessness, or a sense that one’s safety or the baby’s safety was at risk. Symptoms can include

      • Intrusive thoughts or flashbacks of the birth

      • Nightmares related to the birth experience

      • Avoidance of anything that reminds one of the trauma, such as examples Karena listed

      • Feeling detached or numb when thinking about the birth or baby

      • Hypervigilance or increased anxiety about health or safety

      • Difficulty in bonding with the baby or fear of being alone with the baby

If you’re experiencing these feelings, it’s important to know that they are not your fault and that help is available. In Edmonton, Nest Integrative Wellness offers a compassionate space for mothers to speak openly about their experiences and start the healing process. 

Our resources and support systems include:

      • Therapy sessions with professionals who specialize in postpartum care

      • Support groups where you can connect with other mothers who understand what you’re going through

      • Workshops on coping strategies and resilience-building

Healing from birth trauma takes time, and it’s a process that doesn’t have to be faced alone. At Nest Integrative Wellness, we are committed to providing the support and care that mothers in Edmonton need to overcome birth trauma and move forward with confidence and strength.

Managing Baby Blues

The term ‘baby blues’ captures the emotional turbulence many new mothers in Edmonton may experience shortly after childbirth. It’s characterized by a rollercoaster of highs and lows, where moments of immense joy are sandwiched with feelings of sadness and overwhelm. Understanding and managing these emotions is an important aspect of postpartum care.

It’s normal for new mothers to go through a period of adjustment as hormones stabilize and as they adapt to the new demands of parenthood. Symptoms of the baby blues might include weepiness, irritability, restlessness, and fatigue. While these feelings are typically mild and resolve on their own within a couple of weeks, there are ways to navigate them more smoothly:

      • Acknowledge Your Feelings: Accept that it’s okay to have a wide range of emotions. 
      • Rest and Rejuvenate: Sleep deprivation can heighten emotional distress. When possible, sleep when the baby sleeps and don’t hesitate to ask for help to manage your time. 
      • Connect with Others: Share your experiences with friends, family, or a new mothers’ group in Edmonton. Sometimes, just talking about how you’re feeling can lighten the load.
      • Nourish Your Body: A balanced diet can improve energy levels and mood. Keep easy-to-eat, nutritious snacks on hand.
      • Get Fresh Air: Gentle walks with your baby can do wonders for your mental health and provide a change of scenery.

For those in Edmonton, Nest Integrative Wellness offers additional support if the baby blues seem to linger or become more intense. With resources like counselling and support groups, we ensure new mothers have access to the care and assistance they need during this transitional time.

Body Image and Postpartum Changes

The postpartum period brings many physical changes, and for many new mothers in Edmonton, these changes can impact body image and self-esteem. It’s common to have mixed feelings about your body after childbirth. At Nest Integrative Wellness, we understand the sensitivity of these concerns and provide encouragement and advice for mothers navigating this complex journey.

Postpartum body image issues can stem from societal pressures, personal expectations, or simply the natural process of the body adjusting after birth. It’s important to:

      • Recognize the Strength of Your Body: Your body has done something incredibly powerful and transformative. Embrace the changes as a sign of the journey your body has been through.

      • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that the media’s portrayal of rapid post-birth weight loss is not the norm. Give yourself grace and time to heal.

      • Focus on Health, Not Just Appearance: Shift the focus to how your body feels and what it can do. Prioritize nutrition and gentle exercise as ways to care for your body.

      • Seek Support: Talk about your feelings with loved ones or other new mothers. You’re likely to find you’re not alone in how you’re feeling.

      • Consider Professional Guidance: If your body image concerns are overwhelming, consider contacting a professional for support. Counselling can provide strategies to improve self-esteem and body image.

Nest Integrative Wellness offers resources specifically to support mothers facing body image challenges postpartum. Whether through therapy, support groups, or wellness programs, we’re here to help you feel positive and empowered about your body and the incredible transition it has undergone.

It’s normal for new mothers to go through a period of adjustment as hormones stabilize and as they adapt to the new demands of parenthood. Symptoms of the baby blues might include weepiness, irritability, restlessness, and fatigue.

While these feelings are typically mild and resolve on their own within a couple of weeks, there are ways to navigate them more smoothly:

      • Acknowledge Your Feelings: Accept that having a wide range of emotions is okay. 

      • Rest and Rejuvenate: Sleep deprivation can heighten emotional distress. When possible, sleep when the baby sleeps and don’t hesitate to ask for help to manage your time. 

      • Connect with Others: Share your experiences with friends, family, or a new mothers’ group in Edmonton. Sometimes, just talking about how you’re feeling can lighten the load.

      • Nourish Your Body: A balanced diet can improve energy levels and mood. Keep easy-to-eat, nutritious snacks on hand.

      • Get Fresh Air: Gentle walks with your baby can do wonders for your mental health and provide a change of scenery.

For those in Edmonton, Nest Integrative Wellness offers additional support if the baby blues seem to linger or become more intense. With resources like counselling and support groups, we ensure mothers can access the care and assistance they need during this transitional time.

Local Support in Edmonton for Mental Health: Finding Therapists Near Me

When it comes to post-partum mental health, having access to local, reliable support is invaluable. In Edmonton, Nest Integrative Wellness is dedicated to connecting parents with a range of psychology services and counselling options that cater to the unique challenges of the postpartum period.

If you’re searching for “mental health therapists near me” in Edmonton, you’ll find that our team includes trusted therapists who specialize in maternal mental health. We provide a supportive environment where you can discuss your experiences and receive personalized care. Our comprehensive counselling options are designed to offer relief and guidance whether you’re facing baby blues, postpartum depression, or anxiety.

      • Therapy Services in Edmonton: Our mental health therapists are knowledgeable in the latest postpartum mental health practices, offering both understanding and effective therapy.

      • Trusted Therapists in Edmonton: With a focus on trust and confidentiality, our therapists work to create solid therapeutic relationships with every person seeking support.

      • Comprehensive Counselling Options: Whether you prefer one-on-one sessions, group therapy, family counselling or telehealth options, we offer various formats to meet your comfort level and needs.

For those unable to come to us, we offer telehealth services, ensuring you have the support you need right at your fingertips. At Nest Integrative Wellness, we believe in the strength and resilience of Edmonton mothers and are here to support your mental health journey every step of the way.

Finding the Right Therapist for Postpartum Mental Health in Edmonton

Navigating postpartum mental health can be daunting, especially when considering the variety of conditions that can affect new mothers, including depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, birth trauma, bipolar disorder, and psychosis. 

In Edmonton, finding the right therapist is a crucial step in your journey to recovery and wellness. 

Here’s a guide to help you find a therapist suited to your needs, including potential collaboration with a psychiatrist if medication might be beneficial.

      1. Identify Your Needs: Reflect on the specific challenges you’re facing. Are you struggling to find energy? Are you constantly worrying about your baby? Do you feel you are a bad parent? Are you crying or sad all of the time?? Understanding your needs will help narrow the search for a specialist.

        Common Postpartum Mental Health Concerns:
          • Depression: A persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest that can interfere with daily functioning.
          • Anxiety: Excessive worry about various aspects of parenting and the baby’s well-being, often accompanied by physical symptoms.
          • OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder): Recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviours (compulsions) aimed at reducing anxiety.
          • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder): Intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to a traumatic birth experience that persist long after the event.
          • Birth Trauma: Emotional and psychological distress following a childbirth experience that felt frightening, painful, or out of control.
          • Bipolar Disorder: Extreme mood swings, including emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression).
          • Psychosis: A rare but serious mental health condition that causes altered perceptions and a loss of contact with reality, often including delusions or hallucinations.
      1. Research Therapists in Edmonton: Look for therapists with experience in postpartum mental health. Check their qualifications, areas of specialty, and any reviews or testimonials.
      2. Consider the Therapeutic Approach: Therapists use various methods, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, or psychodynamic therapy. Consider what approach might resonate with you.
      3. Evaluate Compatibility: Therapy is a personal experience, and you must have a therapist you feel comfortable with. Many therapists offer an initial consultation to help assess fit. Nest Integrative Wellness therapists offer complimentary 15-minute phone consultations to ensure our therapists are the right fit for you.
      4. Ask the Right Questions: When you contact therapists, ask about their experience with postpartum conditions, their approach to treatment, and how they’ve helped others with similar issues.
      5. Telehealth and In-Person Options: Decide if you prefer face-to-face sessions or the convenience of telehealth services. In Edmonton, Nest Integrative Wellness offers both, providing flexibility for your needs.
      6. Working with a Psychiatrist: Sometimes, you might benefit from medication as part of your treatment. A psychiatrist can assess this need and provide direction on appropriate medication management.
      7. Seek Direction: If unsure where to start, contact local support groups, your physician, or community health services for recommendations.

At Nest Integrative Wellness, we’re committed to guiding you toward the right support for your postpartum mental health needs. From the first steps of seeking help to the ongoing healing journey, we provide the direction and care every mother deserves.

For more information about Paschia, our Canadian Certified Counselor
For more information about Malisa, our Registered Social Worker
Book a free 15 minute phone consultation with our therapists today to get the support you need.

You are not alone and deserve to find the support you need to enjoy parenthood and your baby.

If you require immediate mental health support or are in crisis, please contact the Mental Health Helpline at 1-877-303-2642 (Toll free in Alberta), call 911, or visit your local emergency department.